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Our Services

Serving Knox County since 1956

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Serving individuals with disabilities since 1956, we offer a variety of different programming to meet a variety of needs. 

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SOAR (Social Opportunities and Respite) provides regular respite nights and quarterly outings.


Gordon Behrents  is the only Adult Day Service Center in Knox County. Programming is designed to help individuals maintain their independence and prevent premature long-term care.  


Employment Specialists help individuals identify best work environments based upon one's gifts, strengths, and interests that align with an employer's needs and desires. 


 Livescan Fingerprinting and Background Services are both offered through our partnership with FIRM Systems.


Camp Kidz, a summer camp for children with disabilities, has been in operation since 2000. 



Our new downtown site, the HUB, provides a wide variety of resources for individuals in West Central Illinois.


With the support of the Knox County Mental Health Board, the HUB is excited to offer respite services periodically.

Please click here for more information

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