Get Involved
Opportunities for personal involvement may be found in every phase of operation at Thrive. Volunteers are encouraged to share their time, interests, and expertise. Experience the satisfaction of helping enrich the lives of others while doing something you also enjoy!
Here are some great ways to get involved:
Community Outings - Our participants volunteer at almost 20 different organizations in the community, including: Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank, Knox Prairie Community Kitchen, Galesburg Public Library, and more. Our clients love giving back, and we always welcome community members to join on the fun! If you are an organization that would like to host some volunteers, please contact 309-344-2600. We always look forward to helping our community!
Teach a Class - Our participants have a wide variety of interests! If you would like to share your passion with our clients for a day, we would be delighted to have you! Past classes have included cooking classes, Monarch Festival presentation, glass art classes, gardening classes, and others.
Computer Tutoring - Many of our participants are interested in learning basic computer skills. If you are interested in helping individuals learn typing skills, internet safety, and other basic computer skills, please contact us.
Arts & Crafts - Talent is abundant at Thrive and our participants are always interested creating art! Whether you are passionate about painting, putting together collages, building bird houses, working on murals, or something else, it would be wonderful to have you on campus sharing your talent with our clients!
Gardening - Thrive has a lot of ground, which means we have a lot of room to make it beautiful! Volunteers help plant and keep our flowerbeds clean during the Spring, Summer, and Fall, as well as teach gardening skills to our individuals. We also hosts a certified Monarch Waystation - come over and check it out!
Is there something else you would like to do with our participants that isn't listed above? We would love to hear your ideas!
Thrive is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors which meets bi-monthly plus the annual meeting. If you have an interest in serving on this board when a vacancy occurs, please call the administration office at 309-344-2600.

"In a world full of challenges, at Thrive they see possibilities! It is so much fun to share time with such special people."
Marcia, Volunteer
"Each time I walk out of Thrive after volunteering, I leave with such a wonderful feeling!"
Judi, Volunteer
Does your organization have a volunteer opportunity for our participants?
We would love to chat about how we can help and give back to our community! Please e-mail us or call us at 309-344-2600.