Empowering Individuals to Live their Best Lives

A look back at 2024...
Starting the year off with our new name in place, we put our best foot forward to Thrive into 2024. And Thrive is what we did!
Participants volunteered at Fish food pantry, delivered socks to schools and local social agencies, collected eye glasses for the Lions Club and checked on the Little Free Libraries through Rotary Club. Visits to the new Galesburg Public Library, outings to Lindquist Mini Farms and the new H.T. Custer Park were popular activities.
We felt the love and support from new and longtime supporters and corporate sponsors at our two signature events – our 17th annual auction fundraiser in April and Howl at the Moon in November. With your help we were able to raise over $63,000 for our upcoming outdoor recreation space.
After making significant updates to our Abingdon location, the opportunity to purchase the building came to fruition. Now we can ensure services continue in Abingdon area for years to come.
A fire in an adjacent building to our downtown Hub location sent our Employment Program to the main campus for a few months, and after being able to move back, we were given the opportunity to purchase the now empty lot. We look forward to creating a greenspace that our participants will enjoy.
As we look ahead to 2025, we want to thank you for your continued support. We invite you to join us in ending our year with supporting our year end giving program. Your donation helps us fulfill our mission of empowering individuals to live their best lives.
Thank you for your support!
Pam Green
Chief Executive Officer
Did you hear the news?
On May 1, 2023, KCCDD officially became Thrive Community Services. Same great organization, same great team - new name.
Established in 1956, Thrive Community Services has a long history of advocating and providing services in Galesburg. Current programs include community day services, community employment services, SOAR respite program and Gordon Behrents Senior Center. Today, the organization serves over 300 individuals.
Thrive Community Services transforms service delivery in Knox County through our commitment to quality supports based upon individual and family needs, choice, expectations, and person-centered outcomes.